We offer a wide range of dental filling materials to meet your individual needs.
Composite fillings are ideal for the filling of teeth cavities and fractures, restoring tooth cusps and worn teeth. They are becoming more widely picked choice of material for fillings on back teeth.
Porcelain/Ceramic fillings, also called inlays and onlays are a very good metal free alternative to metal fillings on back teeth as they are stronger than composite fillings.
White tooth colour-matched crowns are designed to fit over a restored tooth or dental implant. Dental crowns can be made from tooth coloured porcelain, glass or zirconium. We also offer E-max Crowns.
Porcelain veneers are ideal for masking discoloured front teeth and can also brighten the colour of teeth instantly. Making a well matched veneer may require minimal shaving of the tooth. Veneers are also used to straighten mildly misaligned front teeth. Visit fee guide.
Your family dentist based in Leicester city centre NHS & Private